Meta Snell - Thermogenic + - Naturetica


24,00 €
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Termogenic + contains extracts of bitter orange, maté and coleus, which are useful for promoting body weight balance as part of a low-calorie diet aimed at controlling body weight. Salsaparilla for positive action on the body's depurative functions, cocoa and green coffee for metabolic support, java tea for excess fluid drainage, and caffeine and carnitine with a stimulatory effect on metabolism.


per daily dose 

(2 tablets of 1500 mg)

Coleus root dry extract 400 mg
supply of forskolin 40 mg
Bitter orange unripe fruit dry extract 300 mg
synephrine intake 30 mg
Salsaparilla root dry extract 300 mg
Cacao seed dry extract 288 mg
theobromine intake 28.8 mg
L-Carnitine 280 mg
Maté leaves dry extract 260 mg
caffeine intake 10.4 mg
Green coffee seed dry extract 200 mg
chlorogenic acid intake 90 mg
caffeine intake 5 mg
Java tea leaves dry extract 200 mg
sinensetin supply 200 mcg
Caffeine anhydrous 180 mg
Total caffeine 195.4 mg

1032 Articles

30 1500 mg Tablets

Agenti di carica: cellulosa, fosfato tricalcico, gomma arabica. Coleus (Coleus forskohlii (Willd.) Bricq.) radice estratto secco titolato al 10% in forskolina. Arancio amaro (Citrus aurantium L. var. amara) frutti immaturi estratto secco titolato al 10% in sinefrina. Salsapariglia (Smilax aristolochiifolia Mill.) radice estratto secco. Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) semi estratto secco titolato al 10% in teobromina. L-Carnitina tartrato. Matè (Ilex paraguariensis A. St. Hill) foglie estratto secco titolato al 4% in caffeina. Caffè Verde (Coffea arabica L.) semi estratto secco titolato al 45% in acido clorogenico (caffeina <= 2,5%). Té di Giava (Orthosiphon aristatus (Blume) Miq.) foglie estratto secco titolato allo 0.1% in sinensetina. Caffeina anidra. Agenti antiagglomeranti: sali di magnesio degli acidi grassi, biossido di silicio.

1 tablet in the morning and/or 1 tablet in the afternoon with a glass of water is recommended.

Keep out of reach of children under three years of age. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplements should not be intended as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The product should be used as part of an adequate low-calorie diet following a healthy lifestyle with a good level of physical activity. If the diet is followed for prolonged periods, longer than three weeks, it is recommended to seek medical advice. Consult your doctor before use if cardiovascular conditions are not in the normal range. Not recommended in pregnancy, during lactation and in children, especially under 12 years of age. Contains caffeine (195.4 mg/day). Store in a cool, dry place, away from light and heat sources. End of shelf life date refers to product in unopened package and properly stored.

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