Sweet almond oil - Naturetica


28,50 €
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Cold-pressed oil without solvents, obtained from the seeds of the Prunus amygdalus from Italian cultivations. Being rich in Oleic Acid and Linoleic Acid, it helps restore the physiological state of the skin, and its trophism, by nourishing it. It possesses excellent moisturizing, calming, regenerating and dermoprotective properties.


109 Articles

1000 ml

Prunus amygdalus dulcis Oil, Tocopheryl Acetate.

Apply a quantity to the palm of your hand and helping yourself with a gentle massage, distribute it to the affected parts. Also good for massage. Also suitable for use as a pack for dry hair. Store the bottle tightly closed, in a cool, dry place, away from light. End of validity date refers to the product properly stored, in unopened package.

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