Bach Flowers Chestnut Bud #7 - Naturetica


9,50 €
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Gemma castaneae


10 ml

The 38 Bach Flowers, according to the British physician's vision, are appropriately extracted from wildflowers and promote innate abilities to rebalance and harmonize as many personality disharmonies or emotional discomforts.

Insufficient interest in present circumstances:

DISARMONY: difficulty learning from experience, repetition of the same mistakes

POSITIVE VALUE: spontaneity, learning

Edward Bach's definition of this remedy:

"For those who do not take full advantage of observation and experience, and take longer than others to learn the lessons of daily life. While for some one experience is sufficient, such people need to have more, sometimes many more, before they learn their lessons. As a result, to their chagrin, they find themselves repeating the same mistake on several occasions, when once could have been enough, or, by observing others, they could have avoided even that one mistake."

34 Articles

10 ml

2-4 drops in half a cup of water, 4 times a day.

Water, Brandy, Macerateof young horse chestnut buds(Corresponding to 0.00025%of the extractive component).

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