Bach Flower Vine #32 - Naturetica


9,50 €
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Vitis vinifera


10 ml

The 38 Bach Flowers, according to the British physician's vision, are appropriately extracted from wildflowers and promote innate abilities to rebalance and harmonize as many personality disharmonies or emotional discomforts.

Excessive concern for the welfare of others

DISARMONY: Strong will, Tendency for domination and inflexibility, Aggressiveness to impose one's opinion, Desire for command.

POSITIVE VALUE: Charisma, respect and love, trust in others.

Edward Bach's definition of this remedy:

"Very capable people, certain of their own ability, confident of achieving success. Being so sure, they think it would be good for others if they could be persuaded to do things the way they do them, or the way they are sure is right. Even in illness they give orders to their caregivers. They can be of great value in the emergency. "

21 Articles

10 ml]

2-4 drops in half a cup of water, 4 times a day.

Water, Brandy,Vine petal macerate(Corresponding to 0.00025%of the extractive component).

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