Bach Flowers Willow #38 - Naturetica


9,50 €
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Salix Vitellina


10 ml

The 38 Bach Flowers, according to the British physician's vision, are appropriately extracted from wildflowers and promote innate abilities to rebalance and harmonize as many personality disharmonies or emotional discomforts.

Discouragement and despair

DISARMONY: Resentment and self-pity, resentment with bitterness, Envy with resentment, one feels victimized by adversity.

POSITIVE VALUE: Responsiveness, understanding, optimism.

Edward Bach's definition of this remedy:

"For those who have suffered adversity or misfortune and find it difficult to accept it without complaint or resentment, as they judge life mainly by success. They feel that they did not deserve such a great trial, that it was unfair, and they are bitter about it. They often feel less interest and are less active in what they once derived pleasure from. "

41 Articles

10 ml

2-4 drops in half a cup of water, 4 times a day.

Water, Brandy,Yellow Willow petal macerate(Corresponding to 0.00025%of the extractive component).

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