rowan tree budmoderivate - Naturetica


12,00 €
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Indications : Venous disorders, sequelae of phlebitis, venous plethora, heaviness of the lower limbs, lower limb edema,acroparesthesias, hemolysis, menopausal disorders characterized by imbalance of blood pressure with a tendency to increase the minimum, ringing in the ears, certain congestive headaches.Remarks : Great regulator of the circulation of the venous system of which it combats congestive phenomena. Tones the venous walls. Female remedy indicated in circulatory disorders of menopause, venous hypertension, sequelae of phlebitis, cases of varicose veins and varicose terrain or heavy legs. It is combined with Castanea vesca and should be administered on the same day because it has complementary action.Usage : 50 drops in the morning on an empty stomach.

6 Articles

50 ml

60 drops 2 or 3 times daily away from meals in a little water equal to a daily dose of 3 ml of gemmoderivate, corresponding to 0.06 g of buds or shoots or rootlets.

Sorbus domestica

Keep out of reach of children under three years of age. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplements should not be intended as a substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. Store in a cool, dry place and away from heat sources.Alcoholic extract intended for use other than liquor production].

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