Bach Flower Emergency Extract No. 39 Spray -Naturetica


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Emergency extract is the combination of flowers, studied by Dr. Bach to control anxiety, reduce physical and mental stress induced by traumatic events of any nature, due to its calming effect

This remedy consists of five Bach Flowers specifically indicated for reducing the effects of shock and trauma:

Star of Bethlehem: against the sense of helplessness resulting from physical and mental trauma

Rock Rose: against terror and panic

Cherry Plum: against lack of self-control

Impatiens: against agitation and anxiety

Clematis: against feeling faint and fainting.

This remedy is indicated in states of strong emotional alteration: - before a job interview or an important examination - before appearing or speaking in public (performance anxiety) - fear of flying, of the dentist, of undergoing withdrawals or injections - in case of physical trauma - in case of emotional trauma (breakup of an engagement, marriage...) - fits of anger - panic attacks of a nonclinical nature - feeling of fainting - headache - in pregnancy and after childbirth: mood swings, nausea, anxiety and worry, tension near delivery and labor, birth shock (of the mother and infant). - in children: bouts of crying and fear, hyperactivity, detachment from mother on the first days of school, difficulty sleeping.

Emergency Extract is available in hydroalcoholic solution (water and brandy) in 10 ml drops, 20 ml spray 

156 Articles

20 ml

A spray in the mouth as needed. minimum 4 times a day.

Water, Brandy,Macerate of Myrbolan petals,Vitalba petals,Balsamine petals,Eliantemo petals,Star of Bethlehemepetals (Corresponding to 0.00025%of the extractive component).

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