propolis mother tincture - Naturetica


16,00 €
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High antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal power.

Propolis mother tincture is an adjuvant in all inflammations of the skin and mucous membranes, even those with pus production; from this point of view, its applications can be multiple since not only the digestive tract (from the mouth to the rectum), the respiratory system (from the nose to the pulmonary alveoli)

Useful in cases of:

ENTORINOLARINGOIATRIC DISEASES (inflammation of the mouth and pharynx; colds, sinusitis, tonsillitis and otitis)

DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY WAYS (allergic rhinitis and acute and chronic bronchitis); DISEASES OF THE DIGERIENT TREATMENT (gingivitis, halitosis, mouth ulcers, toothaches, dental abscesses, gastric and duodenal ulcers); DISEASES OF THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM (nephritis; cystitis; inflammation of the urethra, prostate, and vagina); SKIN DISEASES (psoriasis, cold sores, furuncles, acne, difficult-to-heal purulent wounds, burns and sunburns); INJURIES AND CONTUSIONS; METABOLIC DISEASES (e.g. hypercholesterolemia); IMMUNITARY SYSTEM DEFICIT (prophylaxis against seasonal ailments and recurrences of infectious diseases).

4 Articles

50 ml

50 drops 2 or 3 times daily away from meals in a little water equal to a daily dose of 3 ml of the product, corresponding to 0.27 g of the plant.

Propolis (macerated in plant-derived alcohol and purified water for a minimum of 21 days).

Keep out of reach of children under three years of age. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Supplements should not be intended as a substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. Store in a cool, dry place and away from heat sources.Alcoholic extract intended for use other than liquor production].

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