Bach Flowers Crab Apple #10 - Naturetica


9,50 €
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Malus pumila


10 ml

The 38 Bach Flowers, according to the British physician's vision, are appropriately extracted from wildflowers and promote innate abilities to rebalance and harmonize as many personality disharmonies or emotional discomforts.

Discouragement and despair

DYSARMONIA : Poor self-image, perfectionism, rejection of one's physical appearance, excessive care of both personal and household cleanliness, obsession with dirt

POSITIVE VALUE: Acceptance of one's body, serenity.

Edward Bach's definition of this remedy:

"This is the purifying remedy. For those who have the feeling that they have something unclean in themselves. Often it is something seemingly insignificant; 31 in other cases it may be a more serious ailment, almost neglected than the one thing on which the person focuses his or her attention. Both types are anxious to get rid of the one thing that holds the greatest importance in the mind and that seems essential to them to cure. They get depressed if the cure fails. Since it is a depurative, this remedy cleanses the wounds if the patient had reason to think that a poison had penetrated to be eliminated. "

20 Articles

10 ml

2-4 drops in half a cup of water, 4 times a day.

Water, Brandy,Macerate of Wild Apple Petals(Corresponding to 0.00025%of the extractive component).

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